Saturday, June 9, 2012

Graduation Day

Tomorrow, June 10th, 2012, I graduate High School.

It's hard for me to wrap my mind around it. I mean, I get what graduation is, but my only real experience with seeing Graduation happen comes from Gilmore Girls and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. So, yeah. No real graduations.

Friends from other schools are posting photos on Facebook.

It's strange to think that we walk across a stage of sorts, and are given a piece of paper, and then we are done. It's finalized. We are permitted to continue on with our lives. Do whatever we plan to do after High School.

As this day has been coming closer, I've realized just how quickly it seems as though grades K through 12 have gone by. I have snippet memories-- and I realize that even though I am someone who can get irrationally worried, I've had a great twelve (thirteen?) years. Has everything been perfect? No. Are there things I would change? Yes.

But all in all, it was a good set of years. And college is coming. The college I've wanted to go to since I was about eight.

And this summer is going to be wonderful. I'm going to see friends, new and old; read like crazy; get ready for college; walk; write; drink Passion Tea Lemonade; watch television shows I want to see/catch up on; and I'm going to make the most of it.

I may be scared, but I am also happy. Really, actually happy.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Goals for the Summer

Because I made a list at the beginning of Senior Year. I like making lists.

So, here goes nothing:
  1. Read 25 books
  2. Go to California
  3. Read two books in French
  4. Watch some of Angel
  5. Catch up on How I Met Your Mother
  6. Get fun things for my college dorm room
  7. Move into college (!!!)
  8. Find a pretty ring to wear
  9. Take more photographs
  10. Write
  11. Become vegan for a period of time
  12. Find a Willow-like sweater
  13. Have fun

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Last Last Day

In September, I wrote a post about my last first day.

Today is my last last day. Of high school. Obviously I still have schooling left to do in my life, but at 2:30pm today I will no longer be a high school student.

In October I made a list of goals I wanted to accomplish, and I did accomplish a good lot of them. Including such tasks as learning to knit (mostly) and meeting Amber Benson (which was originally put on there as a 'oh wouldn't that be lovely. there's no way it will happen.' sort of thing.) I got into my dream college.

I went to two theater performances (and if theater wasn't so much money, there's a third I would have loved to go to.)

I started (and ADORE) How I Met Your Mother. I read well over thirty books, and I read a good number of classics or near-classics.

And I did so much beyond the list. I worked in my school's library. I got to do an English project on Sylvia Plath. I went to Senior Prom with one of my best friends.

I've listened to really bad (though catchy) Top 40 songs. Willingly. And I've enjoyed some of them.

I'm learning to drive. But that's another story.

I'm now eighteen. Which is weird.

I've voted!

And of course, I've done even more than that.

This year has been stressful, but it has also been wonderful, all in all.

And I can't wait for college.

Monday, May 28, 2012


In fewer than 48 hours I will be done with High School forever.

There will be no more.

And that's weird. Really weird.

Apparently so weird that I can't even form proper sentences.

I'm probably going to be a mess on Wednesday. As excited as I am for college, I'm sad to leave my teachers and my friends.

Well, at least I can always visit again.

On vacation, from college. But it'll be weird to no longer be a student. I've been in the same school system since first grade (I went to a private kindergarten in my town). And soon I'll be moving across the state.

To my dream college, but still.

It's just so weird.

There's no other way to describe it.

Wednesday is my last last day.


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Magical Words

Every now and then, I come across a truly magical book.
One that surpasses true adoration, one that there are no words for.

Just recently, I happened to find one of these books.
Veronika Decides to Die. Yes, the title might be off-putting, and yes, it's sad so far (I haven't finished).
But there is something about it. Something I have no words for, but I have fallen completely in love with it.
I opened it up, began reading, and four pages in I was infatuated.

I don't know why, and I honestly can't explain it, but I know that this book will be one of the many that makes it to college with me. And that makes me really, really happy.

In One Month

In one month I will have graduated High School.
I will have said goodbye to my teachers.

My grades will all be finalized;
and I'll have to really start organizing
for college.

A college I so want to go to,
but I am still scared.
Which is only natural,
I suppose.

I hope that, in college,
I will have enough room to
bring all the books that I need
to find comfort.

I have summer reading.
Something that some may
grumble about, but something
that I love, am grateful for.

In one month,
I will be nervous.
But in one month,
everything will still
be okay.

(c) May 2012

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Forward Thoughts

I need to begin a packing list for college; in four months I'll be about to start classes if I haven't already started them.
While I want to go to college so desperately, I also want to stay at home and be eight again, when I had the time to run outside and read more than I have the time to now.

Nostalgia is good to a certain point, but it is also vital to move on. Because, undoubtedly, in ten years, when I am twenty-eight (AH!), I'll look back and say "boy, I wish I was in college again". No matter what, I'll have an awesome time at college. The opportunities will shoot up, and I'll be able to meet so many new people...

I have less than a month left of High School, until I am more in the real world. So, I ought to make the best of it. Which includes relaxing and doing more homework. Which, while it stresses me out to an extent, it's also the way that I am making all that I can out of my last days.

And then, I'll have a few days without school, followed by graduation, followed by my officially becoming a COLLEGE STUDENT. Gah. But also YAY.

Because, as freaked as I might be, I just can't wait for it. :)