Friday, December 16, 2011

Names that I like

Because I wanted to post something, but couldn't figure out exactly what I should post, I decided to list a few names I like and why I like them. Here goes...

  1. Rose: Yes, this does have to do with the character from Doctor Who to an extent, but I also just like it because it has so many other connections to various other aspects of life: in math there is something called a "Rose Curve", one of the most famous Shakespearean lines has to do with roses: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet", and so on... so many wonderful connections, and such a classical name.
  2. Imogen: (Im-Oh-Jen) The name that I recently learned may well be a typo. It appears in Shakespeare's Cymbeline, but it may have originally been spelled "Innogen", but a transcription error may have resulted in the spelling with an M instead of two Ns. The name Innogen was around during Shakespeare's time--I just love the idea of naming something after a typo. My duel obsession with literature and Shakespeare makes me feel giddy at the idea of this name. It's just so amazingly wonderful!!
  3. Sylvia: The reason for this has to be obvious. (Hint: who is one of my favorite people in all of history? Yep, Sylvia Plath.) There are other reasons for my liking of this name, such as the sound it makes when it rolls off of my tongue, and it just sounds so literary, even ignoring the existence of Sylvia Plath).
  4. Orion: This one's a boy's name... but I like it because I love astronomy, despite never having taken an astronomy course. It's a bit of an odd name, but it sounds classical, and that seems to be a theme with the names that I like. 
  5. Hugo: It's a name that seems to hold prestige without being ostentatious. It is simple and yet powerful. 
Those are a few of the names that I love most. There are others, which include: Willow, Ophelia, Aurore/Aurora,  and Sebastian. (If you want to hear the reasons for these, just ask!)

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