Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

So, it's another year. 2012.

I get the importance of a new year, but even watching the ball drop on TV doesn't really mean much to me. I mean, yeah, it's pretty weird that we are in another year, but today is just the tomorrow of yesterday, but when we write the date, we now must put a 12 or 2012 at the end instead of an 11.

I don't want to be a pessimist, I do find it amazing how we, as an entire world, celebrate life on this one special evening/morning. That is something to look at. There is no other day when the whole world erupts in celebration over the course of a day, as it becomes a new year.

And of course, I've made resolutions. So many people do, and I really do want to try to stick to them... I'll give you a few of them:

  • Write at least five poems a week, or a short story.
  • Really start learning a third language (I know English and some French). I'm not sure exactly which language this will be quite yet, but I do have a few ideas.
  • Turn off all technology and meditate/do yoga at least once a day for at least 15 minutes.
  • Go for as many walks as I can.
  • Read as many of Shakespeare's plays as I can.
  • Read Ulysses.
  • Cook and bake more.
  • Play my Ukulele at least once a day for at least 15 minutes.
  • Write a research paper (or two) just for the fun of it.

Those are my main ones, we shall see how this year goes. It's a big one for me--graduating high school and going off to college. Yipes. 

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