Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Collection of Thoughts

I have a lot of books.

I have so many in my "to read" pile, yet I continue to buy more. I always come up with one more book  I want, and I either borrow or buy it, and into the pile it goes!

I cannot wait for college. I need it soon. I just want to be in a environment of intellectual young adults. Sorry High School, but you don't really supply that.

I like baking/making sweet foods, but I don't really have much desire to eat them.

I want to be vegan. Maybe.

Why do I like Lana Del Ray's music? It's strange, yet addictive.

I'm in a constant state of mind when it feels an hour or more later than it actually is. I don't know why this is, but it's strange.

I love tea. It's one of the best things in the universe.

I think I may want to minor/double major in Gender or Women's Studies in college. It would be fun, and goes along well with what my majors may be.

I'm going to see The Addams Family Musical tomorrow. (!!!)

I get to watch Dollhouse, read, and do homework over vacation! Read! I get free time to read as much of whatever I want to read!

I want to take more time to reflect on the world. Because I love the little things in the world, and I don't spend enough time thinking about the world around me. At least not as much as I'd like to.

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