Well, it's November fifth! (Remember, remember, the fifth of November...)
Anyways, today I got my first hot chocolate of the season! It was from Starbucks, and it's yummy and wonderful. I just love the taste of warm chocolate, but I don't actually love hot chocolate all that much. I rarely get it, my main drink for winter tends to be warm tea (preferably Earl Grey, but I can get by with other flavors if need be). Yet I do tend to buy hot chocolate once or twice throughout the winter (and sometimes more, there isn't any sort of specific number I hold myself to).
I also feel this desperate need, as the days are growing colder, to go to nature preserves and cemeteries, and to walk around them and watch everything dying. Now, I'm aware that that sounds horribly morbid, but it's true. I love watching all of nature go to sleep for the winter, to feel to cold winds/air on my face, and to see my breath in the air. Of course, another benefit of winter is wearing sweaters and fuzzy pull-overs to keep oneself warm. I love bundling up and going for winter walks. Today I just bought a few new pairs of gloves and some new tights, all of which are beneficial with keeping myself warm and not getting hypothermia/frost bite (which are very bad things to get).
We also started Othello in English class. It is wonderful and beautiful so far and I love it. Oh, reading Shakespeare just makes me so happy. Which reminds me, for our yearbook, we have a section that says what we'll be doing in 2022. For mine I put "In 2022, Emily will be drinking tea and reading Shakespeare in Paris". I mean, there are many other things I'd like to be doing in 2022, but that is the simplest thing to say for a yearbook. My "biography" has a quote from Harry Potter ("When in doubt, go to the library") and says "DFTBA" which stands for "Don't Forget to Be Awesome", in case you were unaware.
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