Saturday, November 19, 2011

Tea, what glorious tea!

I love tea.

I'm rather addicted to it. If you've seen Gilmore Girls, you will understand what I'm about to say: The way I am to tea is the same way that Rory and Lorelai are to coffee. I honestly would drink it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I could. And for all moments between those meals.

I must also confess that I am a tea snob. I won't just drink tea because it's there. It has to be good quality, so no Lipton for me. (Sorry Lipton, nothing personal).  Twining's and Tazo are my favorite types, but I'm always open to new brands of tea. My favorite type of tea is Earl Grey.  This is also where my Anglophilia comes into play --tea is just one more thing that I love about the culture of Great Britain. Tea is the center of my life. Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration, because I also love books and I love learning, and cemeteries, and nature, and sweaters, and fuzzy socks, and cookies. But tea's pretty darn special.

I have distinct memories of being about six, and drinking peppermint tea with honey out of a big mug, and smiling because of how much I loved it: because of how wonderful it smelled and tasted. I remember drinking chamomile (I still drink it) when I felt sad, and having the subtle and soft taste of it sooth me and calm me down. I remember walking into cafes and not like the smell of coffee all that much, but loving the smell of tea.

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