Fall is without a doubt, my favorite season. I love everything about it- the clothing, the weather, the changing leaves, the holidays (Halloween!!), and more!
Today is the equinox. For those of you who are not aware, the autumnal equinox is the day that it officially become fall. (Thus, today is one of my favorite days of the year.) It's also almost October, which is my favorite month of my favorite season. So I am happy.
Hopefully soon, once the leaves begin to really change, I'll go for a nice walk and take lots of fall photographs, because that's something that helps me to relax and also I love nature.
As a culture, we rely far too much on technology and now we have started to ignore the pure, unadulterated beauty that is the outdoors. We sit inside our homes, on various social networking sites, caught up in narcissism and screens. We ignore the world outside our doors, the world that has been here for far longer than we have, the world that we have begun to destroy the pure world.
Sorry to get all depressive about humankind, but it's just a thought I often think, and isn't this blog all about thoughts?
Fall poem, one of possibly many to come:
the world starts to yawn,
to change,
to color itself,
like never before,
like Autumn's sibling seasons forbid themselves to do:
Sister Spring says: I must be pure, only pinks, greens, and pastels...
Brother Summer says: The days grow long, and I must remain fresh, green, sweltering, to please...
Brother Winter says: Now the world is going to sleep- only white and muted browns may cover this world...
But Autumn, she is strong,
she rebels,
coloring herself a myriad of colors-
reds, oranges, browns, greens, yellows...
allowing children to jump
in her leaves,
favorite memories formed,
all too soon,
she gives away to barren life.
(c) September 2011
I really like that poem,