Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I do not own this photograph. It is a promotional photo for Ringer.

For those of you who don't know, Ringer is Sarah Michelle Gellar's new show that premiered yesterday (and, as all the reviewers like to point out, her first television show since Buffy The Vampire Slayer ended eight years ago). So, Sarah's back! Which does enthuse me quite a bit! Of course, what I would want even more would be a new show with Amber Benson on it, but Sarah is pretty wonderful.

Prior to the premiere, I looked up reviews online, to see what others had to say. The funny thing I noticed was that the reviews were highly polarized- either the reviewer adored the show or they nearly abhorred it. I can't recall the last time I read reviews this polarized.

Now that I've seen the show, I lean more to the side of those who liked it. Yes, it was predictable to some extent; yes, this plot line or variations thereof has been done many, many times before; yes, it had its moments of being disjointed, but overall I enjoyed it. Let me add to this by saying I don't watch television much at all, so I'm picky about what shows I watch. I'm going to continue watching it at least for another week or so, to see what they do with the storyline. If I'm wildly confused then I may give up on it, but if I like it then I shall continue.

It's funny that the two shows I plan on watching next (Ringer and How I Met Your Mother) both have actresses from Buffy the Vampire Slayer in them (Sarah Michelle Gellar and Alyson Hannigan, respectively). Anything having to do with Buffy makes me a happy child (other things make me happy as well, but I'd need a whole blog post to describe them). So these shows, even if they aren't the most amazing thing in the universe will make me feel happy.

Oh! I'm reading a really good book right now: The Secret History by Donna Tartt.

That's all for now, I must go and finish my piles of homework!

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