Thursday, September 8, 2011

Last First Day

So, in case the title didn't make it obvious to you, today was my last first day of high school.

Granted, I still look like I'm about 14, but nope, I'm a Senior.

That'll take a while before it feels natural to say...

But now about the day!

I had almost all my classes today (all of them except for French). I love them. ALL of them. Really, truly. I mean, it's in no way going to be an easy year, but I feel as though I can really handle it, and that all will be well. (Which, if you knew me, is a LOT for me to say). I already have bunches of work to do, so this blog is going to be updated only about twice a week (more if, by some miracle, I have more free time). I really do want to keep it up and running, but I simply will not be able to post every day on top of studying for SATs, applying to college, Senior Year work, Literary Magazine, Ukulele, and getting exercise.


Oh, yeah. This is what I wore. I love the top- it looks like something out of the Victorian Era (I'm a history fanatic) and the necklace is a British Telephone booth (technically not the same as the TARDIS, but far more like the booths used for visitors to enter the Ministry of Magic). Yes, I did just analyze my necklace. It's what I do.

So, I'm off to write questions for English class, study Mathematics, review History, and pack my bag for tomorrow!


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