Monday, September 5, 2011

First things first.

I figured that the utmost important thing in having a blog was to introduce oneself. Even if I'm saying hello to the unknown, even if no one actually reads this, it feels like the right thing to do.

So, hi! I'm a human being. I like things!

I've loved writing ever since I was quite small, there is something so magical about holding a pencil between your fingers, especially when the pencil is seemingly large in comparison to your small size. Now I write on computers mostly, but I still have this obsession with purchasing notebooks, even if they are never used. I love words. One of my favorite websites is Save The Words, which is a site that allows you to "adopt" words that have gone out of use. It's one of the most wonderful things on the Internet.

In case you couldn't tell from the title of this blog, I like Alice in Wonderland. I blame my dad for that. It's one of his favorite books.

Other things I like?
  • Scrabble- I love words, so why wouldn't I like this game? 
  • Plums- I've always loved them, but in the past week it's become more of an obsession. Sadly, I'll soon have to bid adieu to them until next summer.
  • Otters- FAVORITE ANIMAL. They are just so adorable. They are also quite intelligent.
  • History- Why things happened, how people interact. It's all so fascinating! 
That is not a complete list, but those are the things that first come to mind.

Oh! I'm also rather obsessed with Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Doctor Who. So, every now and then I may mention one of the two.  I don't watch much television, but there are a few shows I do quite enjoy. Next summer (or possibly in April) I'm going to watch How I Met Your Mother

I love school, I adore books, I like nature, I like questioning reality, and I like randomness. So, there's a preview of what to (possibly) expect on this blog!

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